
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

1 year of breast milk and a birthday

In 4 days I will have made it one whole year exclusively pumping and feeding my baby breast milk! And no one thought I could do it.....  BUT I DID!  I am really proud of myself!

Also in 4 days, my little baby will turn 1 year old!!  I can't even believe it!  The year somehow went so slow but so fast all at once.  I have been busy busy planning a birthday party and it's been a ton of fun.  I decided to do a rainbow colored theme and I ordered her an adorable tutu outfit in rainbow colors and I am sort of basing the decorations off of that.  My mom and sister went shopping with me a few weeks ago, this is what we ended up with.
Yes, looks like nothing, the fun part is making something from it all.

For one of the tables I'm doing this month-month picture thing using colored sand.  I think it turned out really cute.  I hand cut each circle and designed and printed the labels myself.  
On the gift table, I got these letters from Hobby Lobby and just covered them with paper.  Balloons will hang from them.  

I've printed and designed my own water bottle labels, got all those glued on,

printed color tags for my napkins and rolled the ice cream spoons,

I've printed labels for the drinks and ice cream

and I made this little I Am One banner for her booster seat.  I don't really like it but I don't have the time to redo it since I'm still working on the tablecloths.

....The tablecloths.  They are becoming my nightmare.  For some reason I thought it'd be a great idea to try and make colorful tiered tablecloth skirts.  I got 12 tablecloths in 6 colors and Jenny came over and spent two hours with me last week cutting each color and trying to get them straight.  We have two tables so I had to make two of these darn things.  They have been the biggest pain in the butt.  We cut each layer individually, obviously, but then I had to figure out how to glue them all together to make it a one piece skirt.  So here's the problems I've run into.  These are cheapo $2 vinyl tablecloths so they have the folded crease marks all through them.  In order to get the wrinkles out, I've found that only thing that is working and not making them more wrinkly is the lay them flat and blow dry them while pulling the wrinkles out.  Since I have 6 colors and two tablecloths, that's 12 tablecloth strips that I'm having to blow dry out.  It's taking forever!  After I get that part done, I have to lay them all out on the floor and try to glue them together.  Regular glue doesn't work.  Tape doesn't work.  Hot glue works, but if I'm not careful then I burn holes through them (and burn myself).  So I hot glued part of one cloth and then figured out that stapling all of the layers together works much better.  Only problem is now I have staples showing through so I'll have to get a ribbon to string across the top to cover the staples.  So I basically have one of the tablecloths done.  Still one more to go.  AHHH.  I'm sorry that I ever decided to do these.  I hope they at least turn out good when they are finished.  I've spent hours each night working on them.  

I got my menu figured out too so looks like I'll be spending all day Saturday cooking.  I'm going to make chicken and veggie kaboobs, BLT minis, grilled cheese for the kids and then I'm going to make a fruit dip for the fruit.  That's the main food.  Then we'll have cupcakes, cookies and ice cream.  I just hope I can make enough for 30 people all by myself.  This is a big project in of itself.  So that'll be my weekend.

At any rate, other than the tablecloths giving me a hassle, I've loved working on and shopping for Summer's party.  Can't wait to see how it all comes together. 

4 more days! 

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