
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Healthy living

I typed this up earlier today after viewing a video called "secret household products that are killing you" with the intention of putting it on facebook but I really hate debates and don't ever post my personal thoughts on facebook so figured why start now.  That's actually the reason I decided to come back to my blog, I need a place to vent.  Or write random things.  Or post birthday party planning ideas.  Because I like to do all of that sometimes.  :)  And just a disclaimer, this is not a dig at anyone that does not research their products and food to try to find the most natural, organic, GMO-free, chemical-free whatever.  I am cool with whatever you do and whatever you buy, I just hope that people are at least aware of what they are consuming in their bodies and on their bodies.  If you don't, please research, if you do and don't care, totally fine with me too.  Please no mean emails. 
When I became pregnant with Summer and started researching what I needed to buy for her I was shocked to learn of all the toxic and harmful chemicals found in the majority of baby products produced by some of the biggest baby brands out there.  Not only are most baby products such as shampoo, oils and lotions loaded with toxins but so are most toys, crib mattresses, bottles, the list goes on and on, I was horrified at the thought that I might be exposing my unborn baby to such dangerous things from day one of her life.  Right then I decided to not only buy all natural, chemical free and safe products for her but to get rid of everything I could, both household and personal from my life and house as well.  I had already thrown away all of my household cleaners after reading a story about a baby dying from accidentally getting into some floor cleaner so one of my first missions as a chemical free mama became making my own household cleaners, laundry detergents and deodorants. I began buying only organic and chemical free toothpastes, shampoos, lotions, sunscreens, and bath soap.  I threw out OTC medicines and started trying to use herbs and oils to heal instead.  I started buying as much organic food as possible and stopped drinking bottled water (I drank a lot of plastic bottled water!).  It has taken me many, many hours of researching good, healthy options and over the last 3.5 years I have been slowly replacing all of my carcinogenic products with better options… however, in my quest to rid our lives of all of these things, I feel like it is a losing battle.  GMO’s and harmful chemicals just seem to be everywhere and in everything and the more I learn the more fanatic I get.  I am aware that a lot of people find this silly, unimportant or just don’t care but I don’t know what’s more important than our health and I just wanted to state that I am sick of all the hidden toxic and dangerous chemicals that are allowed to be sold to us, that are “approved” by the FDA, CDC and whoever else telling us that these things are safe.  I’m tired of having to pay twice the amount for fruit not sprayed in poison, for having to go to “health food” stores to get safe shampoo for my babies, for getting my head bit off if I question vaccines, for having to buy a special filter to get fluoride OUT of my water after it was intentionally added in, and for so many other things that I have yet to even learn about but once I do will just be one more thing for me to obsess over.  The most frustrating thing of all is that most people never even know what kind of danger they expose their bodies to and that most of their ailments can be cured by what they eat (or don’t eat) and vitamins.  <end rant>

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